swfw mnorQ

swfI suseietI hyT ilKy ishq Aqy isiKAw dy mnorQW nMU swhmxy r`K ky Bwrq iv`c kMm kr rhI hY qW ik grIb qy ipCVy kolW leI byhqr k`l dw inrmwx ho sky[swfIAW swrIAW XojnwvW iesy qy ADwirq hn[

  • ibmwrI qoN rwhq dyx leI Aqy ishq nMU bcwaux leI muflI shwieqw Aqy fwktrI shwieqw dyxw[
  • jrUrqmMd Kws qOr qy AnwQ b`icAW nMu ividAw pRwpqI leI hr qrHW dI shwieqw dyxw,ijvyN ikqwbW,vrdI Aqy bUt Awid dyxw[
  • jrUrqmMdW Kws qOr qy Apwihj,bzurg,ivDvw Aqy grIbW dy jIvn iv`c suDwr leI Xqn krny [
  • grIb Aqy AnwQ b`cIAW dy ivAwh leI shwieqw krnI[
  • vwqwvrx dI Su`DI leI pOdw ropx krnW[
  • lokW nMU vihmW BrmW iv`coN k`F ky sRI gurU gRMQ swihb nwl joVnW[
  • p`CmI s`iBAqw qoN pRBwivq hoky piqq hoeI nOjvwn pIVHI nMU Awpxy Drm Aqy is`KI srUp nwl joVnW[

Our Mission

Our Society pursues the following medical and educational objectives in India to make better tomorrow for the downtrodden people, upon which our projects are based :

  • Relieve sickness and preserve and protect health by providing first aid, and medical care
  • Advance the education of needy children, such as orphans
  • Improve conditions of life for people in need of help, e.g. the disabled, elderly, widows and impoverished
  • Arrangements for the marriage of poor and orphan girls.
  • Do plantation for environment purification.
  • To turn people away from superstitions and encourage them to follow Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
  • To reunite the youth with our religion and culture who has fallen from our religion under the influence of Western Culture.